Tuesday, April 24, 2012

TSA Agent Returns Lost Envelope

Transfer Smart reports on a Transportation Security Administration officer who has been credited for returning an envelope with $9,500 to a passenger, Carlos Palma, who had allegedly lost the carry-on item. The envelope was dropped at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on April 11 at the security checkpoint. The passenger was unaware that he had dropped the envelope and continued on his flight to Iowa.

The TSA officer, Don Williams, commented, “I picked it up off the floor and palmed it in my hand so that no one could see it. At that point, I took it to a private screening area, where it was counted and saw it was 95 $100 bills.”

Williams made an announcement and asked passengers if anyone had lost anything. However, no one responded. When Palma reached Iowa he realized that he had dropped his money and called the airport to see if it was discovered. After confirmation, the money was returned to Palma and he stated that he was proud of the way the TSA handled the situation.

Williams stated that he lives by “always do[ing] the right thing, and that way you can live with yourself.”

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